
ISO Smart Plus

The new generation of ISO Smart dust and gas sampler has been designed and developed in accordance with international standards for sampling stack emissions.
The sampler is equipped with five thermucuple inputs for flue gas temperature, heated sampling probe and filter holder temperature measurement and control. Measurement of the gas temperature that passes through the impingers also takes place with two additional temperature sensors and inputs.
Flue gas velocity measurement takes place with a pitot tube. The measured flue gas velocity is evaluated by the microprocessor and provides isokinetic sampling. Total gas volume of the sampler is measured by the dry gas meter. All measured temperatures are stored in the device memory. All of this process is automatic and controlled by the device's microprocessor.
The sampler has built-in water trap and sensor that detects the presence of liquids passing through the inlet. In the case of liquids pass througe the inlet by accident, this sensor automatically stop the pump and gives an alarm. The user can remove the water from the water trap from drain outlet. After removing the water the samplear start to operate automatically. This important feature of the device prevents damage to the internal parts of the device.



The ECO model of ISO Smart dust and gas sampler has been designed and developed in accordance with international standards for sampling stack emissions.
The sampler is equipped with three thermucuple inputs for flue gas temperature, heated sampling probe and filter holder temperature measurement and control.
Flue gas velocity measurement takes place with a pitot tube. The measured flue gas velocity is evaluated by the microprocessor and provides isokinetic sampling. Total gas volume of the sampler is measured by the dry gas meter. All measured parameters are stored in the device memory. All of this process is automatic and controlled by the device microprocessor.
The sampler composed by two units, the Control Unit and the Pump Unit. In this version, the user only moves the lightweight control unit to the sampling point. It does not need to move the heavy pump unit to the measuring point. It is possible for this sampler to keep this unit on the ground.


GDS Gas Dilution System

The sampler and dilution unit are in a single cabin. Flow control of both units is done with two independent mass flow meters integrated into the device. Total and dilution gas volume can measure with two independent dry gas meter. All of this process is automatic and controlled by the device's microprocessor.

The two streams are regulated independently, so for different stack condition the dilution ratio can be changed indepandantly. The temperatures inside both dry gas meters reads with two tempreture sensor and stores in the memory of the sampler.

The dilution and total sample inlets are equipped with two easily replaceable cartridges. In addition, the user can easily replace the cartridge silica gel and charcoal. Unlike traditional manual sampler, it is fully automated. Dilution and total flow rates can be adjusted digitally. The sampler automatically controls the set flow rates and adjusts the flow rates. The sampler also directly reads gas volumes and temperatures from the dry gas meter. Thus, it is not necessary to note the first and last readings and temperatures from the dry gas meter.

Isokinetic Heated Sampling Probe


Isokinetic Heated Sampling Probe

Our probe is desined to sampling particulate matter and chemicals in stack. The heated filter box prepared by quick connection to the heated probe is avalible in order to sampling particulate matter. Outstack filterholder and probe heated in order to prevent water vapour and some volatile organic compounds condensation.

Its design allow you to combine the probe with the probe stand, to move the probe freely all direction. You can also easly move the probe to determining swirl angle in accordance with the EN16911 and US EPA M1/2 . Depends on the stack position you can fix the probe in two different positions for vertical or horizontal stacks.

All parts exposed to chimney smoke are made of stainless steel which is accepted as AISI 316 and 304. Pneumatic and electronic connections are combined in a compact single structure. The pitot tube and thermocouple are integrated into the probe body for use in more rugged and easier stacks.

Isokinetic Heated Sampling Probe


Isokinetic Heated Sampling Probe

Our probe is desined to sampling particulate matter and chemicals in stack. The heated filter box and filter holder was placed to back of the heated probe to sampling particulate matter. It is desined to sampling particulate matter and chemicals in stacks. Heated outstack filterholder and probe prevent water vapour and some volatile organic compounds condensation.

Its design allow you to combine the probe with the probe stand, to move the probe freely all direction. Depends on the stack position you can fix the probe in two different positions for vertical or horizontal stacks.

All parts exposed to chimney smoke are made of stainless steel which is accepted as AISI 316 and 304. Pneumatic and electronic connections are combined in a compact single structure. The pitot tube and thermocouple are integrated into the probe body for use in more rugged and easier stacks.

VOC Sampling Probe


VOC Sampling Probe

HSP1 probe was developed for sampling volatile organic carbon gas components from stationary sources in accordance with EN 13649 standarts with the dynamic dilution method. You can also uses this probe with FID analyzer as well which requested by EN 12619 standart.

The temperature of the probe was set to 180 degrees with the self-regulating element. With the thermoregulation version of this probe, temperature adjustment and control can be done with an external sampling device.

The probe is equipped with a total gas outlet and dilution gas inlet. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to dilute the gas taken from the source at desired rate. Due to the increase of the dew point of the diluted gas, the problem of moisture condensation on the line is eliminated.

  • Modular assembling, rugged and easy to use
  • Integrated tempereature measurenment and Self requlated switch
  • A led indicates when the temperature set-point is reached
  • Total and dilution
  • It can be used in dilution samplear
  • Details

    Smart PM

    Smart PM Atmospheric Particulate Matter Sampler is an advanced sampler used to determine particulate matter of size 2.5, 10 microns and smaller concentration in atmosphere. The wide regulation range and the accurate electronic flow sampling control at either actual or standard conditions, makes Smart PM in accordance with the reference methods.
    The sampler complies with the EPA 40 CFR Part 50 reference method for PM10 determination. It can also be used for PM2.5 sampling with M10 cap and 2.5 micron impactor cut separator. The sampler is also suitable for the EN 12341 method for sampling PM 10 at 2.3 m3 / h and PM 2.5 to 1 m3 / h.
    DThe following data measured during sampling is stored in the internal memory. Data can also be backed up to a flash drive via the USB interface:

  • Serial number
  • Sampling start and end date/time
  • Sampling duration in hours and minutes
  • Mean volumetric flow rate in m³/h and Nm³/h
  • Sampled volume in m³ and Nm³
  • Mean air pressure/temperature/humidity
  • Mean pressure difference at the filter
  • Details

    Cooler Box

    The cooler box is the cooling part of the HSP2 sampling probe for water condensation of stack gas water contants. It is also used for determination of micropollutants with impingers train.

    You can attach the box directaly to back of the heated filter box without using any tools. The short connection between the filterholder and impingers train reduces the water condensation along the tubes. You can place up to 6 impingers in the box with the different combination to fulflill different standards.

    The body of box is made of painted aluminum and isolated to keep the internal box temperature cool for long time. The box equipped with a practical quick connector for the suction tube. The mounting bracket on the side of the box supports the heavy tubes protecting the impingers from damages. The support foems also keep the impingers safe in transportation and during the sampling.


    Smart Chiller CH1

    You can use this cooler to cool the impinger series in sampling train for pollutants from the stack. Its also possible to use it as cooling of micropolluntants condensation device in sampling parameters such as PCDD / PCDF and heavy metals. The design of this device allows you to use two separate functions simultaneously. .

    It contains a container for water with 6 liter capacity. You can fill and empty of the bath by simple and easy oparation. Just disconnect one tube and run the pump to empty the tank.

    The cooler body is made of painted aluminum and the inner water container is insulated to keep the temperature cool for a long time. The coolant is equipped with a practical quick connector for the water circulation pipe. The backing sponge keeps the impinger assemblies safe during transport and sampling. Practical handles and small dimensions facilitate the transport, handling and lifting required to reach the sampling point.
