Isokinetic Heated Sampling Probe


Our probe is desined to sampling particulate matter and chemicals in stack. The heated filter box and filter holder was placed to back of the heated probe to sampling particulate matter. It is desined to sampling particulate matter and chemicals in stacks. Heated outstack filterholder and probe prevent water vapour and some volatile organic compounds condensation.

Its design allow you to combine the probe with the probe stand, to move the probe freely all direction. Depends on the stack position you can fix the probe in two different positions for vertical or horizontal stacks.

All parts exposed to chimney smoke are made of stainless steel which is accepted as AISI 316 and 304. Pneumatic and electronic connections are combined in a compact single structure. The pitot tube and thermocouple are integrated into the probe body for use in more rugged and easier stacks.

Heated Probe

Heating control K-Type TC and ISO Smart Plus Sampler
Tempreature range Programable range 50 -180 ℃
Inside probe structure - Pitot Tube inlet
- Sampling inlet
- K-Type TC
Materials Stainless steel
Available length 0.5 to 3 meters

Heated Box

Heating control K-Type TC and ISO Smart Plus Sampler
Tempreature range Up to 150 -180 ℃
Inside box structure - Probe inlet
- Heating element inlet
- K-Type TC
Materials Double painted aluminium

Built in accordance with the main international methods such as:

EN ISO 13284-1 Particulate matter in low concentrations US EPA Method 17- 5
EN UNI 16911 Determination of velocity and flowrate in ducts
US EPA M2 Determination of velocity and flowrate in ducts
US EPA M4 Determination of moisture contants in stack gases
  • Modular assembling, rugged and easy to use
  • Ready for swirl determination (digital inclinometer needed)
  • Integrated type “S” Pitot tube
  • Integrated K Type termocuple for stack gas tempereature measurenment up to 1200 ℃
  • Freely removing stack gas temperature sensor to calibration
  • Integrated K Type termocuple for heating control of probe up to 200 ℃
  • Easy internal sampling line replacement by your application need. Titanıum GR2 or AISI 304 inner tube.
  • Suitable also for horizontal ducts

Heated Probe for Micropollutants Sampling:

All the elements exposed to stack fumes are are realized entirely AISI 316 stainless stell. The pnematic and electronik connections are integrated in compact singel block stracture. The pitot tube and thermocouple are integrated within the probe body, more rugged and easy to use in the stacks.

Integrated type “S” Pitot tube
Gooseneks & nozul

Inner Tube and calibrated Nozzles:

The HSP2 probe is designed to quickly replace the inner tube with other made of different material in order to be in compliance with diferent standarts for micropollutants,sampling along with particulate matter.

With the HSP2 it’s possibleto use internal suction tubes made in:

- Titanyun Gr2
- AISI 316
- Borosilicate glass
- Quartz

Heated box

Heated box is seperatabel part of heated sampling prob wihich is used for housing the filter elements inside it. The sampling dust is colected in the filter holder inside the heated box.

It is made of stainless stell and aleminum with protecting painting. The insulation of the box allows it to operate of 150 -180 ℃ which is control by the ISO Smart Plus samplear.

Filter Holder

Titanium, Glass, or Quartz filter holder for 47 mm flat memberans or thimbles. The filter holder memberan is placed inside the filter holder and it is very fast and practical to change. Wight tight surface decrease the risk of filter breaking.