
Ambient Sampling Devices

Smart PM

Smart PM Atmospheric Particulate Matter Sampler is an advanced sampler used to determine particulate matter of size 2.5, 10 microns and smaller concentration in atmosphere. The wide regulation range and the accurate electronic flow sampling control at either actual or standard conditions, makes Smart PM in accordance with the reference methods.
The sampler complies with the EPA 40 CFR Part 50 reference method for PM10 determination. It can also be used for PM2.5 sampling with M10 cap and 2.5 micron impactor cut separator. The sampler is also suitable for the EN 12341 method for sampling PM 10 at 2.3 m3 / h and PM 2.5 to 1 m3 / h.
DThe following data measured during sampling is stored in the internal memory. Data can also be backed up to a flash drive via the USB interface:

  • Serial number
  • Sampling start and end date/time
  • Sampling duration in hours and minutes
  • Mean volumetric flow rate in m³/h and Nm³/h
  • Sampled volume in m³ and Nm³
  • Mean air pressure/temperature/humidity
  • Mean pressure difference at the filter
  • Details